Meeting Information

Meeting Description

Stochastic thermodynamics has revolutionized our understanding of far-from-equilibrium statistical physics over the last few decades, and continues to result in deep, powerful results ranging from fluctuation theorems to speed-limit theorems to thermodynamic uncertainty relations.  We feel that the time is ripe for an annual workshop focusing on this fast-developing field, both its theoretical and experimental aspects, and its application to other fields of research.

The workshop 2022

Our third Workshop on Stochastic Thermodynamics (WOST III) will start from the end of May in 2022. The host Institution is University of Tokyo.

Duration of workshop (2022): (7:00 am – 11:30 am, Mountain Daylight Time)
[Tutorials] May 26
[Poster session] May 27
[Main] May 30 to June 3

Submission deadline of abstracts for lightning talks: February 28, 2022 (Extended)

Author notification: April 8, 2022

Registration: Closed

Past meetings

We held the great meetings.

The workshop 2021

The workshop 2020

Host Institution: Complexity Science Hub in Vienna